We have been offering field trips since we opened, I think. I actually would have to double check my sources, because I am the second Countess of Kiln. The first taught me how to host a good field trip. Make a menu, offer things kids like, and never bring black paint. I have stuck to this advice, and often added my own twists.

We offer field trips for groups of 8-180, at our place or the groups, with figurines, dinnerware, tiles and canvases on tap. We love painting with kids of all ages, and they all do such great work!
People often wonder is my school or group right for an art adventure field trip and the answer is yes. Everyone loves painting with us, and we truly can meet any ability level. The littlest babies love making footprint memories with us and the older kids always blow us away with their creative interpretations of the animal pals we bring.
Book your group today by emailing Louise@kilncreations.net. We will be happy to make project suggestions, talk to you about pricing, and how to introduce art enrichment at your school.
Work in an office and think, "I want an art adventure?" We're happy to break up the hump day stretch with an in-office painting field trip. Just let us know! You can call it a team building, but I think Artventure is more fun 😂